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Pray Like There is No Tomorrow

Sometime during the initial onslaught of Covid, I sought examples in the Bible where God stopped plagues (check out 2 Samuel 24:25 and Numbers 16). In 2 Samuel, God answered David’s prayer to stop the plague In Numbers, God answered Aaron’s prayer directed by Moses.

Then, I got on my spiritual knees … and prayed like there was no tomorrow.

Though God did not stop Covid, I would not trade the intimacy Jesus allowed me during that season. His presence gives us that fullness of life Jesus promises in John 10:10.

Before we approach the holy throne of the Lord, let’s pause to check our hearts. Are we heading to instruct heaven how to help our loved ones? Do we carry an underlying attitude of entitlement to prayer because of all we have done for Him?

Or, have we humbled ourselves to first honor the One to whom we pray?

For it is pleasing in His sight when we come to focus on Him, the Giver and Taker, the Resurrection and the Life.

Oswald Chambers cautions us about our current circumstances. For you and I, currently, there is war and darkness everywhere. It is overwhelming sometimes to pray for the multitude of needs in our world, in our church, in our family:

“We should take a look at our current circumstances. Do crises that affect us or others in our home, business, country, or elsewhere, seem to be crushing in on us? Are we being pushed out of the presence of God and left with no time for worship? If so, we must put a stop to such distractions and get into such a living relationship with God that our relationship with others is maintained through the work of intercession, where God works His miracles” (April 1st, in My Utmost for His Highest devotional).

Join me in saying, “Yes, Lord, I will not replace worship of You with my needs. I will search Your Word to help me know You who listens to every prayer of my heart. Thank You, Jesus, for Your finished work on the Cross and Your continued work in my soul.”

There is no special three-step process to praying like there is no tomorrow, but there is life-changing power to be received from His Word:

  • Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16 ESV).

  • Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2 ESV).

  • Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41 ESV).

We are called to be people of prayer. We are His chosen daughters who know without a doubt where their help comes from. Our heart’s desire is to please Our Father with our actions, minds, words, and hearts, for He is the one who guards our souls.

Julie Dibble is a servant of her Lord Jesus Christ. Together with her husband Jason, they have two sons, Braedon 17 and Jackson 15, and one rescued pup named Rocko. Julie preaches, writes, hikes, and prays for God to use her daily in this broken world. Currently, she is on staff at Newberrytown Church of God as Director of Outreach and Evangelism.

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