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Thank Offering Update


It is almost time for our Thank Offering to be collected and sent in. Each local ministry should send their Thank Offering to the Treasurer of their region by June 30. Regional Directors should send their Thank Offering contributions to the National Treasurer by July 30. 


Individuals not belonging to a CGWM group may send their offerings to either their region CGWM treasurer or directly to Nancy Scott.  All checks sent to Nancy should be made out to CGGC with Thank Offering in the memo.



National Treasurer:

Make Checks to: CGGC

Send to: Nancy Scott

1114 Circle Drive

Latrobe, PA 15650


Regional Treasurers:


Allegheny Region

Make Checks to: Women’s Ministry

Send to: Annette Weiland

425 Trout Road

Northern Cambria, PA 15714



California Eldership

Send to: Anita Burns

P.O. Box 497

Wheatland CA 95692




“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

1 Chronicles 16:34 

Whenever we are thankful for something in our daily lives and we want to thank God in a tangible way, we place a few coins in our Thank Offering Barrel and pray a prayer of thanksgiving.  This daily act of worship was established by Grace Pierson, the founder of Churches of God Women’s Ministries (formerly known as Women’s Christian Service Council) in 1954.  The offering is then collected by local Women’s Ministry groups the first Sunday in the month of May.  Oftentimes a special Women’s Ministries worship service is presented by the women of the congregation.  The offering is then sent to the regional treasurer.  The regional treasurer will send 60% of the Thank Offering to the General Conference Women’s Ministries and the 40% remaining will be dispersed as decided by each region.  Originally used only for missions, it now encompasses many ministries of the church.  To date more than $2 million has been given through the Thank Offering.  In 2024, our Thank Offerings will support Nursing Scholarships for the the Bogra Christian Hospital in Bangladesh (15%), Physical Therapy School in Haiti (20%), Winebrenner Female Students (25%), Venezuela Bible School (15%) and Women’s Leadership Development (25%).

Eastern Region

Make Checks to: Eastern Regional Conference Women’s Ministries

Send to: Amy Wilt

146 S York Rd

Dillsburg, PA  17019




Great Lakes Region

Make Checks to: Great Lakes CGWM Southern District

Send to: Susan D. Fennig

1125 Fairground Road

Celina, OH 45822



Midwestern Region

Make Checks to: IL State WCSC/CGWM

Send to: Elizabeth Hartman

309 Sunny St.

Mt. Carroll, IL 61053


Western Region

Make Checks to: Western Region Conference with Women's Ministry thank offering in the memo

Send to: Terry Barton

12133 Hidden Commons

DeSoto, MO  63020


If you or your women’s group have not been a part of Thank Offering in the past and would like to, all you need to do is get a container and start thanking God for the many blessings he gives you each day. Look for our reminders to send in your offerings in April. We are better together!


Thank Offering barrels can no longer be purchased from The Corner Store. If you need a barrel, contact someone on the National Leadership Team or purchase on your own at Berlin Packaging


Many churches hold a women's ministry Sunday on the first Sunday in May.  In the past, CGWM has provided a service outline to be used for this Sunday. Although we will no  longer be providing a service outline, we have provided a template for you to follow . From this template, we encourage you to create a service that is geared to your specific congregation or women's group. As you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are confident that you will create a unique and inspiring service. 

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 2024 CGWM Update Video

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