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Opportunities to Connect, Equip & Encourage

Lifeway Women Live Simulcast

Lifeway Women is hosting an online event that is open to ladies everywhere! For the cost of only $20 per person, you can attend the Lifeway Women Simulcast and hear many of the top Christian women speakers in our nation. There are three ways to take advantage of this amazing opportunity:

*as a individual from home

*with a small group

*as a church sponsored event

The Flourish Conference News

Want to connect with other CGGC Women? We are going to host another online Flourish Fellowship on August 20 at 7 pm. Whether you attended The Flourish Conference in March or not, you are welcome to join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. It is a great way to get to know some new faces or connect with old friends. Use the following link:

Did you experience God moving in some way at The Flourish Conference? Would you be willing to share your story? Please take a few minutes today to either write your story down or make a video telling your story so that we can share with others how God is moving. Send your testimony to

Help Others be Equipped

Does your church/women's ministry have Bible Studies (ie: Beth Moore Video Series) that are just sitting on a shelf somewhere not being used? There are two ways that you might consider blessing others with these resources:

1. Donate them to the Media Access Collection (MAC) through the CGGC. To learn more about the Media Access Collection, visit

2. Lend them to others directly.

We would like to compile a list of resources that churches/women's ministries are willing to share with other women and post these resources on our website Resources page along with the contact information for a person from your church/women's group who would be willing to mail or deliver the resource to the group wishing to borrow it.

Please send a list of any resources your group would be willing to lend out to Please include the title, author and format of your matierials (ie., The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer: 7-Session Video-Driven Women's Study from Best-Selling Author Priscilla Shirer. Includes Bible Study Guide, Leader Kit and videos). We will notify you when the list is uploaded to our website.

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