Precious sisters in Christ, you were created to flourish! Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's workmanship—translated masterpiece in some versions. Have you ever thought of yourself as a masterpiece?
Here's the thing. We are God's workmanship, and in Christ, we are complete (holy, perfect, lacking in nothing), but on this side of Heaven, we are still a work in progress. As we explore the topic of being a victorious Christian woman this year, it is important to know that God is not finished with His masterpiece! He has promised us, though, that He will finish in His perfect time (Philippians 1:6).
It is also important to note that we have all been created for a purpose. A victorious woman understands that she has purpose, and that God has a magnificent plan for her life. God's plans are always good, but we must choose to walk in His plans rather than ours. Many Christians wander through life aimlessly because they do not understand their purpose or they want to work out their own plans rather than follow God's plans for them.
While our purpose and plans will be specific to our own unique situation, all of us must understand a few basics if we want to flourish as God intends. One of my favorite passages to teach from is John 15. The whole chapter is packed with treasures to live by, though we only have space to explore a few thoughts today. First, we have been created to bear fruit (John 15:8). Interestingly, to flourish means to bear fruit profusely! Just as God designed all living creatures to be fruitful and multiply, we are made to reproduce. Yes, that can mean having babies, but here it is more like spiritual babies. We are disciples created in Christ to make disciples. Part of God's plan for us, then, is to pass on what we are learning so others can grow too.
If you think about a grapevine or an olive tree or any fruit-bearing plant really, what is necessary for fruitfulness is simple (not necessarily easy!): good soil. water and sunlight. Under these conditions, the grapevine will grow and produce fruit. It happens naturally as a result of the growth process. It is important to note, however, that the gardener is always busy to create the right environment for growth. It is the gardener's job to prepare the soil and ensure proper light, water and pruning. A grapevine does not strive to produce fruit, though. It sends down its roots deep into the soil to obtain the nutrients it needs to grow. It does what it was created to do. Unlike us, it doesn't have free will! We get to choose whether or not we will cooperate with God. To truly flourish (produce fruit profusely) we must be intentional. While it is a natural process, it will not just happen without our willingness. We must learn to abide in the Vine. We must be willing to share with others what we are learning.
There is great joy in sharing in God's work in the lives of others, precious sisters. Every one of us has a story to tell that will help others to grow. Will you be a part of someone else's masterpiece?